a - Dudes who wear kneepads to play volleyball: We've been playing volleyball for the past few weeks. Males, unless you are a college/pro volleyball player, you probably shouldn't wear knee pads. We play in an adult coed "rec" league. It's just not a good look and the other team is probably making jokes about other reasons why you need those kneepads...
b - Guys on the metro who race for a seat: Men, on the metro, if you get on at the beginning of the line, like Vienna, and you take a seat, fine. No one expects you to give up the seat you're already sitting in. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the guys who wait by the door to get on the metro and as soon as the door opens, they shove past everybody and race to the open seats, knocking over women and children in the process. Think George Castanza on Seinfeld in the episode where the kitchen catches on fire at the kid's bday party. I'm not the kind of girl who needs guys to ride in on a white horse and valiantly hold the door and reserve seats, but is chivalry that dead? Also, those guys look like major wimps. Then they whip out their newspapers or emo literature right away so they won't have to meet eyes with anyone who they just knocked over for a seat.
I wrote a letter to the Express newspaper - a free DC newspaper put out by the Washington Post, which most metro riders read on a daily basis - in response to a letter a woman wrote in about metro chivalry. They actually published my letter - here it is. (Photo courtesy of David.) This of course prompted a rash of letters from angry males (aka aforementioned 'pansies') but all my friends loved it. I love the title they gave my letter also. Favorite show of all time. :)

c. I'm pretty sure I heard my male roommate blow drying his (very short) hair the other day. (He claimed later it was his gf, but none of us believe him.)
d. We drove through Georgetown last Sunday afternoon...and most of the men walking around were prettier than I am.
e. They play kickball, which would be a good enough reason to be on the list, but then some guys really pansy it up by suing other kickball leagues for stealing the kickball "rules."
f. Pink popped collars are abundant.
I could obviously go on for a while, but if you have any good ones, feel free to leave comments. :P
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