So i had an altercation this morning with some of America's finest youth. We all know I don't work in the best neighborhood. So, it's summer now, which means that many teenagers are not in school, which leaves them to hang out on the streets. For some reason the sidewalk outside my work building is a particularly enticing place in which to loiter. So I'm walking down the sidewalk and 4 thuggy teens are standing in a circle completely blocking the sidewalk. Since I didn't want to walk out into oncoming traffic, I politely said "excuse me" as I was walking up. But of course they did not move, so I squeezed myself around one of the girls, of course brushing against her as I passed. This is where I went wrong. As I'm walking away she goes "excuuuuuuse me!" Then she told me to "get my honky ass back here" which her friends thought was hilaaaaarious. Yes, very original. Btw, if I had something equally race-defining to her, that would be horribly offensive and they would have beat my ass. Smartly, I decided to keep walking and not even turn around as I heard her saying to her friends "I should go after her and smack her."
To borrow a phrase from a friend many years ago - all I was thinking was "Do it, chubby, and see how hard you hit the ground."
Reminds me of SuperTroopers in the opening scene when the police car pulls away and the kid goes "Man, i was about to bust my 9 in that cop's ass." then you just hear screeeeeeeeeeech and the cop car comes whizzing back in reverse. best opening scene to a movie ever, rivaled by the opening line "This is Bob. Bob has bitch tits."
Anyway, good times in NE DC this morning. I wonder if they've been waiting out there all day to "jump me" when I leave the office. They probably could, it's not like the have jobs.... maybe I better take the shuttle ;)
Friday, 7/31/09
15 years ago
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